Looking for a great Air Con Installer ?
Whether you buy your own Split System and are just looking for a great Air Con Installer or are after the whole package supplied and installed. With this purpose in mind KAPE Electrical can Supply and Install your Air Conditioning needs.
Most people wait until it’s 40 degrees in summer to decide to install a Split System. Arguably, anytime of the year is a great time to install. More importantly modern Inverter style Split Systems are Reverse Cycle and extremely efficient at heating during the winter months. Not to mention saving the trouble of firewood.
Besides the cost of purchasing an Air Conditioner, the installation also can be quite an investment. Considering this, it is important to make sure you are buying a quality Air Conditioner from a reputable brand. Moreover the aesthetic value of a great looking unit and installation from KAPE Electrical can add value and money to your property.
Which Air Conditioner?
Whilst the Salesperson at the local retailer may try to convince you that their product is the best, the local Air Con Installer such as KAPE Electrical can give you the right advice on which Air Conditioner suits your needs. With this in mind KAPE Electrical has access to a range of the major leading brands including; Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Fujitsu, Daikin, Hitachi and many more.
Considering the right fit for you could include:
- Price – Are there any cash back offers?
- Energy Star Ratings – How much energy will it use?
- Warranty – How long is the warranty and is it extendable?
- Features – Cooling and Heating or just Cooling only?
- Aesthetic Appeal – Do the Indoor and Outdoor units look quality?
Another factor to consider is what size Air Conditioner you need? Regarding this, check out this Mitsubishi Heavy Industry sizing chart Here. Considering this is only for an estimation, it is better to let KAPE Electrical size your Air Conditioning requirements properly. Additionally, an undersized Air Conditioner will not work efficiently and effectively.