Sign Wiring Installation and Repairs
Kape Electrical can Install, service, repair and replace all types of Sign Wiring. Some examples include;
- Commercial Signage
- Pylon Signs
- LED Channel Letters
- Florescent Signage
- Car Park Lights
- Street Lights
- Stadium Lighting
- Sign & Lighting Relamping, Ballast Replacement and Rewiring
- Sign Cleaning & Repainting
- LED and Fluroescent Signs
- Site Inspections & Reporting
- Preventative Maintenance
- Illuminated Awnings
- LED Channel Letter & Neon Conversions
- Elevated Platform Work (e.g. High Signage, Lighting Towers)
We have the experience to Design, build and install your next sign.
KAPE ELECTRICAL has worked closely with Pegasus Sign Installations and Townsville Signs for Over 7 years.
Contact Us for more information about how we can help you.